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How to Keep Customers On Your Business Website

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If you want to make sure potential customers see your website, you may be looking into search engine optimization services (SEO). However, SEO is only one part of the puzzle. Once people find your website, you want to make sure they stay, read about your services or products, and reach out for contact.

According to Time magazine, 55% of users only spend 15 seconds or less on a web page. While getting people to click on your website is a good start, it's not enough to keep their attention if you have a poor layout or people can't find what they need. Here are a few tips to help keep customers engaged in your products and services.

Make Your Website Readable

This seems like an obvious tip, but making a website readable isn't only about focusing on black letters. Be sure to focus on the available white space as well. Spacing out information with paragraphs and bullet points can make content more easily digestible. If all of your information is in one paragraph and in the same font or size, then users may get overwhelmed trying to find what they need.

Another website pitfall is using too many stylized fonts. While stylized fonts can attract attention and express your brand, make sure that the bulk of your information is in simple, readable text.

Lastly, if you want to add in-text links, make sure that these links are bold or slightly different from the surrounding text so that readers will know that they can find further information if they click through.

Optimize for Mobile Use

In 2015, over half of all consumer traffic was conducted on mobile devices. If you don't optimize your website for mobile use, it can be difficult for your customers to navigate, and they may go somewhere else to find what they need. Plus, some search engines are changing their algorithms from desktop-first indexing to mobile-first indexing, so you want to stay relevant with a mobile business site.

When you work with an online marketing company, they can create a mobile-friendly website in a couple of ways. They could build a separate mobile website in addition to your desktop site, or they could create a responsive design that will adapt layouts to different screen sizes.

Use Standard Pages for Users After the Landing Page

If you are unsure which pages you need, keep it simple. Provide a home page, services page, about page, event page, contact page, etc. These are standard business pages and quickly direct readers where they want to go after the landing page. Since search engines like to see updated content, make sure that you also have a blog page. Blog posts should be dense with interesting content and well-researched ideas.

These are just a few tips to help you develop your business website. Reach out to a digital marketing company for more details.
